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Showing posts from February 5, 2023

Confocal Microscope


Fluorescence Microscope



CONFOCAL MICROSCOPE ·        A Confocal microscope is a type of microscope that uses laser light to produce high-resolution images of samples at different depths within the sample. ·        The basic principle of Confocal Microscopy is that the Illumination and Detection optics are focused on the same Diffraction-limited spot, which is moved over the sample to build the complete image on the detector. ·        The modern Confocal microscope has all the possible integration of technology and mechanical components including optical components, which perform the primary function of the configuration by use of electronic detectors, a computer, and laser systems. ·        Over the past three decades, Confocal microscopy has evolved as a useful, non-invasive, imaging technology that has diagnostic and prognostic implications. ·        Confocal microscopes are widely used in many different fields, including Biology, Medicine, and Materials science, to study the structure and function of cells