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Showing posts from August 5, 2023

Streptococcus agalactiae

 Streptococcus agalactiae GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS ·        Gram’s classification – Gram positive bacteria ·        Shape – Spherical (Cocci) ·        Arrangement – Chain form arrangement. ·        Motility – Non-Motile ·        Capsule – Absent ·        Endospores - Absent ·        Respiration – Aerobic/Facultative anaerobic ·        Optimum Temperature - 37 °C ·        Optimum pH – 7.0 ·        Streptococcus type (Lancefield classification) – Group B ·        Habitat – Upper respiratory tract and Genitourinary tract. ·        Discovered by Rebecca Lancefield (American Microbiologist) in 1930 from milk and cows with Bovine mastitis. PATHOGENICITY OF Streptococcus agalactiae DISEASE TRANSMISSION             Streptococcus agalactiae infections are mainly transmitted by a)      Person-to-person spread by respiratory droplets. b)      Through breaks in skin after direct contact with infected person, fomite, or arthropod vector. INCUBATION PERIOD 7 Days VIRULENCE FACTORS OF Streptococcus

Streptococcus pyogenes

  Streptococcus pyogenes GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS ·        Gram’s classification – Gram positive bacteria ·        Shape – Spherical (Cocci) ·        Arrangement – Chain form often having Diplococcal arrangement. ·        Motility – Non-Motile ·        Capsule – Present (Hyaluronic acid capsule) ·        Endospores - Absent ·        Respiration – Aerobic/Facultative anaerobic ·        Optimum Temperature - 37 °C ·        Optimum pH – 7.3 to 7.4 ·        Streptococcus type (Lancefield classification) – Group A ·        Habitat – Throat and Skin ·        Discovered by Theodor Billroth (Austrian Surgeon) in 1874. PATHOGENICITY OF Streptococcus pyogenes DISEASE TRANSMISSION             Streptococcus pyogenes infections are mainly transmitted by a)      Person-to-person spread by respiratory droplets. b)      Through breaks in skin after direct contact with infected person, fomite, or arthropod vector. INCUBATION PERIOD 1 to 3 Days VIRULENCE FACTORS OF Streptococcus pyogenes (i)     Antig