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Showing posts from February 19, 2023

Soil Formation and Soil Horizons

  SOIL  ·        Soil is a mixture of Organic matter, Minerals, Gases, Liquids and Organisms that together support life. It is essential for life on earth to exist. ·        Earth's body of soil, called the Pedosphere. ·        The scientific study of soil is called Pedology. ·        Soil has six importance 1)     Act as a medium for plant growth. 2)     Act as a means of water storage, supply and purification. 3)     Act as a modifier of Earth's atmosphere.  4)     Act as a habitat for organisms. 5)     Act as nature’s recycling system for nutrients 6)     Act as an Engineering medium FORMATION OF SOIL 1) Soil forming factors ·        The technical term for soil formation is Pedogenesis. ·        The five soil-forming factors are: a)      Climate : Temperature, precipitation, and how they are distributed across the seasons. b)     Biotic factors : Plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, and other microorganisms. c)      Topography : Slope position,