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Showing posts from April 15, 2023


ADVANTAGES OF BIOFERTILIZERS OVER CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS Biofertilizers have replaced the chemical fertilizers as chemical fertilizers are not beneficial for the plants. Chemical fertilizers decrease the growth of the plants and make the environment polluted by releasing harmful chemicals. Plant growth can be increased if biofertilizers are used, because they contain natural components which do not harm the plants. If the soil will be free of chemicals, it will retain its fertility which will be beneficial for the plants as well as the environment, because plants will be protected from getting any diseases and environment will be free of pollutants. Biofertilizers destroys harmful components from the soil which cause diseases in the plants. Biofertilizers are not costly and even poor farmers can make use of them. Biofertilizers are environment friendly and protect the environment against pollutants.   Biofertilizers provides plant nutrients at very low cost. Biofertilizers helps for the


  BIOFERTILIZERS Generally, the term "Fertilizer" is used for "Fertilizing material or Carrier", meaning any substance which contains one or more of the essential elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, molybdenum, copper, boron, zinc, chlorine, sodium, cobalt, vanadium and silicon). Thus, fertilizers are used to improve the fertility of the land. Biofertilizers may be defined as “Substances which contains living strains of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi and algae) that colonize the Rhizosphere or the interior of the plants and promote growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the target crops, when applied to soils, seeds or plant surfaces”. Biofertilizers infuse nutrients by natural processes such as synthesis of growth promoting substances, fixing atmospheric nitrogen and solubilizing insoluble nutrients in the Rhizosphere. Need of Biofertilizers In recent years, it is being noticed


Microbial Inoculants (or) Bioinoculants Current agricultural practices depend heavily on Chemical inputs such as Fertilizers, Pesticides, and Herbicides which, all things being equal cause a deleterious effect on the nutritional value of farm products and the health of farm workers and consumers.  A reliable alternative to the use of chemical inputs is microbial inoculants that can act as biofertilizers, bioherbicides, biopesticides, and biocontrol agents. Microbial Inoculants are also called Bioinoculants or Soil Inoculants. Microbial inoculants refer to formulations composed of Beneficial microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, and algae) that play an important role in soil ecosystems for sustainable agriculture. Microbial inoculants are gaining importance for attaining sustainable agricultural production systems. An increasing trend for the use of microbial bioinoculants to accomplish sustainable agriculture has been witnessed across the globe. Microbial Inoculants include beneficial micro