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MASS MULTIPLICATION OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAE (AM) FUNGI The commercial utilization of AM fungi has become difficult because of the Obligate symbiotic nature and difficulty in culturing on laboratory media. Production of AM fungal inoculum has evolved from the original use of infested field soils to the current practice of using Pot culture inoculum derived from the surface disinfected spores of single AM fungus on a host plant grown in sterilized culture medium. Several researches in different parts of the world resulted in different methods of production of AM fungal inoculum as soil based culture as well as carrier based inoculum. Root organ culture is being used for the production of soil less culture. As a carrier based inoculum, Pot culture is widely adopted method for production. The AM inoculum was prepared by using sterilized soil and wide array of host crops were used as host. The sterilization process is a cumbersome one the inert materials such as vermiculite, perlite, mon