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·       A complex relationship between all the Living and Non-living things interact with each other is known as ‘An Ecosystem’ or ‘Biome’.

·       The term Ecosystem was coined in the 1935 by the British Botanists Roy Clapham and Sir Arthur Tansley.

·       The components of an Ecosystem are divided into two components.  

1)     Abiotic components (Rocks, Temperature and Humidity). 

2)     Biotic components (Plants, Animals, Microorganisms and other organisms).

·       The gleaming energy from the Sun is the basic source of energy in all the Ecosystems.

·       Ecosystems are the foundation of ‘Biosphere’ and maintain the natural balance of the earth.

·       The study of Ecosystem is called Ecology.


·       Four major types of Ecosystem are

1)     Terrestrial ecosystem

a)     Forest ecosystem

b)     Desert ecosystem

c)     Grassland ecosystem

d)     Mountain ecosystem

2)     Fresh water ecosystem

a)     Lentic - Includes slow-moving or still water such as Lakes, Ponds and Pools.

b)     Lotic - Includes fast-moving water like Rivers and Streams.

c)     Wetlands - Include environments where the soil is saturated with water for a considerable period of time.

3)     Brackish water ecosystem

a)     Estuarine ecosystem

4)     Marine ecosystem

a)     Rocky shore ecosystem (contains small and large rocks)

b)     Sandy beach ecosystem (Sandy beach)

c)     Mangrove ecosystem (Mangrove trees are salt-tolerant plant species with roots that dangle into the water)

d)     Salt marsh ecosystem (composed of Salt tolerant plants and Animals)

e)     Coral reef ecosystem (Hardy stone or Pavazham)

f)      Kelp ecosystem (provides food and shelter for various marine organisms)

g)     Polar ecosystem (extremely cold region)

h)    Deep sea ecosystem (ocean that are over 1,000 meters or 3,281 feet)



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