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 ·  Bacteriology: Study of Bacteria and Archaea.

·       Mycology: Study of Fungi (Molds and Yeasts).

·       Phycology or Algology: Study of Algae.

·       Protozoology: Study of Protozoa.

·       Virology: Study of Viruses.

·       Parasitology: Study of parasitism and parasites that include pathogenic protozoa, helminth worms and some insects.

·       Microbial Ecology: Study of interrelationships between microbes and environment.

·       Microbial Morphology: Study of detailed structures of microorganisms.

·       Microbial Physiology: Metabolism of microbes at the cellular and molecular levels.

·   Molecular Microbiology: Study of genome (i.e., genomics) of microorganisms and construction of phylogenetic tree based on rRNA.

·       Microbial Genetics: Study of heredity and variation in varieties.

·       Molecular Biology: The advanced study of the genetic material (DNA, RNA) and protein synthesis.

·      Agricultural Microbiology: Study of relationships of microbes and crops with an emphasis on control of plant diseases and improvement of yields.

·    Food Microbiology: Interaction of microorganisms and food in relation to food bioprocessing, food spoilage, food borne diseases and their prevention.

·       Dairy Microbiology: Production of and maintenance in quality control of dairy products.

·    Industrial Microbiology: Industrial uses of microbes in the production of alcoholic beverages, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, antibiotics and other drugs.

·      Marine Microbiology: Study of microorganisms and their activity concerning human and animal health in fresh, estuarine and marine waters. 

·       Air Microbiology: Role of microorganisms in contamination and spoilage of food and dissemination of plant and animal diseases through air.

·    Medical Microbiology: Fundamental principles of microbial diseases and techniques involved in the diagnosis of infectious diseases.

Epidemiology and Public Health Microbiology: Monitoring, control and spread of diseases in communities.


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