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·       In 1985 the Society of Protozoologists published a Taxonomic scheme that distributed the Protozoa into Six phyla.

·     Most accepted classification of Protozoa is given by B. M. Honigberg and others based on the scheme given by the committee on Taxonomy and Taxonomic problems of the society of Protozoologists. They classified the Phylum Protozoa into four major groups based on the Structure and the part involved in the Locomotion.

a)     Sub-phylum I: Sarchmastigophora

b)     Sub-phylum II: Sporozoa

c)     Sub-phylum III: Cnidospora

d)     Sub-phylum IV: Ciliophora 


·       Sarcodes - fleshy; mastix - whip; phoros - bearing

·       Locomotion in Sub-phylum Sarchmastigophora is brought about by Flagella or Pseudopodia or both.

·       Other important feature of this Sub-phylum Sarchmastigophora is the presence of Monomorphic nuclei.

·       The Sub-phylum Sarchmastigophora is further divided in to 3 Super classes:

a)     Super class 1: Mastigophora

i)      Class 1: Phytomastigophora

ii)    Class 2: Zoomastigophora

b)     Super class 2: Opalinata

c)     Super class 3: Sarcodina

i)      Class 1: Rhizopodea

ii)    Class 2: Piroplasmea

iii)   Class 3: Actinopodea


·       Mastix - whip; phoros - bearing.

·       The body of the animals belonging to this Super class Mastigophora is covered by Pellicle.

·       The locomotory organelles are Flagella.

·        In this Super class Mastigophora, the Asexual reproduction occurs by Longitudinal Binary Fission.

·       The Super class Mastigophora includes 2 Classes:

i)      Class 1: Phytomastigophora

ii)    Class 2: Zoomastigophora

i) Class 1: Phytomastigophora

·       Phyton - plant; Mastix - whip; phoros – bearing.

·       Class 1: Phytomastigophora have Chromatophores with Chlorophyll.

·       The nutrition in these organisms is mainly Holophytic which takes place by Phototrophy.

·       Phytomastigophora are free living organisms.

·       The reserve food in these organisms is Starch or Paramylon.

·       Organisms belong to Phytomastigophora may have 1 or 2 flagella.

·       Example – Euglena sp., Ceratium sp. and Noctiluca sp.

ii) Class 2: Zoomastigophora

·       Zoon - animal; Mastix - whip; phoros – bearing.

·       Organisms belong to Class 2: Zoomastigophora do not have Chlorophyll bearing Chromatophores.

·       Zoomastigophora are mostly Parasitic.

·       The mode of nutrition in Zoomastigophora is Holozoic or Saprozoic.

·       The reserved food in Zoomastigophora is Glycogen.

·       Zoomastigophora may have one to many Flagella.

·       Example – Leishmania sp., Trypanosoma sp. and Trichomonas sp.


·    The organisms belonging to the Super class Opalinata live as Commensals or Parasites in the gut of anurans.

·       The body of Opalinata is covered by oblique rows of Cilia-like Flagella.

·       Opalinata organisms may have 2 or many Nuclei also the Nuclei are Monomorphic.

·       Opalinata undergo Asexual reproduction by Binary fission or Syngamy. Sexual reproduction takes place by Anisogamy.

·       Example – Opalina and Zelleriella.


·       Sarcode – fleshy.

·    The locomotion in the organism belonging to the Super class Sarcodina is brought about by Pseudopodia.

·       The body of Sarcodina is Amoeboid without definite Pellicle.

·       The nutrition is Holozoic or Saprozoic.

·       The Super class Sarcodina is further divided into 3 classes:

i)      Class 1: Rhizopodea

ii)    Class 2: Piroplasmea

iii)   Class 3: Actinopodea

i) Class 1: Rhizopodea

·    The Pseudopodia of the animals in this Class Rhizopodea are in the form of Lobopodia, Filopodia or Reticulopodia without Axial filaments.

·       The Rhizopodea includes Amoebas, Foraminiferans and Mycetozoans. 

·       Rhizopodea are mostly free living and a few are also Parasitic.

·       In Amoebas, the body is naked. In Foraminiferans the body is covered by porous calcareous shell.

·       Example – Amoeba sp., Entamoeba sp. and Elphidium sp.

ii) Class 2: Piroplasmea

·       The animals belonging to the Class Piroplasmea are Parasitic.

·       Locomotory structures are absent in Piroplasmea.

·       Spores are also absent.

·       Piroplasmea are the small parasites in the Red blood cells (RBC) of Vertebrates.

·       Example – Babesia sp.

iii) Class 3: Actinopodea

·       Actis - ray; podos - foot.

·     The Pseudopodia of the animals belonging to the Class Actinopodea are in the form of Axopodia with Axial filaments, Radiating from the spherical body.

·       Actinopodea are Planktonic.

·       Actinopodea class includes Heliozoans, Radiolarians and Acanthareans.

·     Radiolarians and Acanthareans are marine forms whereas Heliozoans are both marine and fresh water forms. Skeletons of Radiolarians have siliceous shells. The shells of dead Radiolarians accumulate on the ocean floor to form Radiolarian ooze.

·       Examples – Collozoum sp., Actinophrys sp. and Acanthometra sp.


·       The animals belonging to this Sub-phylum Sporozoa are exclusively Endoparasites.

·       Special locomotory organelles are absent in these animals.

·       Sometimes Pseudopodia are present which are useful only for ingestion of food.

·       Sporozoites are Merozoites bear anterior apical complex that helps penetrate host cells.

·       This Sub-phylum Sporozoa includes 3 Classes:

i)      Class 1: Telosporea

ii)    Class 2: Toxoplasmea

iii)   Class 3: Haplosporea

i) Class 1: Telosporea

·       The Sporozoites are long in these animals.

·       Reproduction is both asexual and sexual.

·       Telosporea are blood and gut parasites of vertebrates.

·       Sexual reproduction is by Isogamy or Anisogamy.

·       Example – Monocyctis sp., Eimera sp. and Plasmodium sp.

ii) Class 2: Toxoplasmea

·       In this Class Toxoplasmea, reproduction is only Asexual type which takes place by internal Budding where two daughter cells are produced within the mother cell and the mother cell is finally destroyed in the process of reproduction.

·       Spores are absent.

·       Example – Toxoplasma sp.


iii) Class 3: Haplosporea

·       The spores in this Class Haplosporea are Amoeboid.

·       Reproduction is only Asexual type taking place through Multiple fissions.

·       Example – Haplosporidium sp. and Ichthyosporidium sp.


·       Knide - nettle; spora - seed.

·       The animals belonging to the Sub-phylum Cnidospora are parasitic.

·       Locomotory organelles are absent.

·       Spores are present with one or more Polar filaments. Polar filaments are special and unique features of these Cnidospora. When these spores infect a host, the polar filament is discharged and it gets attached to the host tissue.

·       This Sub-phylum Cnidospora includes 2 Classes:

i)      Class 1: Myxosporidea

ii)    Class 2: Microsporidea

i) Class 1: Myxosporidea

·       The spores of the animals of this Class Myxosporidea are large and develop from several Nuclei.

·       Myxosporidea are generally Extracellular parasites.

·       The Spores of this Class Myxosporidea have two polar filaments and have two to three valves.

·       Example – Myxobolus sp.

ii) Class 2: Microsporidea

·       The Spores of the animals of this Class Microsporidea are small and are developed from only one nucleus. These spores have single valve.

·       Microsporidea are generally Intracellular parasites.

·       Microsporidea have a single polar filament.

·       Example – Nosema bombycis.


·       Cilium - eye lid with lashes; phoros - bearing.

·       Ciliophorans are complex of all the Protozoans.

·       Locomotory organelle of all the animals of this Sub-phylum Ciliophorans is Cilia.

·       Cilia also help in feeding at some stage of the life cycle of the animals.

·       The Nuclei of these organisms are Dimorphic.

ü  Macronucleus is vegetative and Polyploid.

ü  Micronucleus is reproductive and Diploid.

·       Asexual reproduction takes place by Binary fission. Sexual reproduction takes place by Conjugation.

·       Only one class is included in this Sub-phylum Ciliophorans:

i)      Class 1: Ciliatea

i) Class 1: Ciliatea

·       Locomotory organelles of Ciliatea are numerous hair-like Cilia.

·       One or more Contractile vacuoles are present in these forms.

·       The nucleus is dimorphic including both macro nucleus and micronucleus.

·       Example – Paramoecium sp., Vorticella sp. and Balatidium sp.


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