CONFLICT OVER SPONTANEOUS GENERATION (Spontaneous Generation, Francesco Redi, John Needham, Lazaro Spallanzani and Louis Pasteur's Swan Neck Flask Experiment)
· “Living organisms can arise from non-living things” is
referred as Spontaneous generation (or) Abiogenesis.
· For example,
ü Mice from Grains
ü Beetles from Dust
ü Worms and Frogs from Mud
ü Maggots from Rotting meat.
Aristotle (384 – 322 BC) (Greek Philosopher)
(Father of Biology) proposed Spontaneous Generation Theory at 350 BC.
microbiology starts when the disprove of Spontaneous Generation theory.
FRANCESCO REDI (1626 – 1697)
Francesco Redi
(Father of Parasitology) proposed “Theory of Biogenesis” – Life comes from Life
in 1665.
· Francesco Redi
was the first who disproved the “Theory of Spontaneous Generation” by showing
that if raw meat was protected from flies, the formation of maggots was
He demonstrated
that flies did not arise spontaneously from rotting meat by simple experiment.
He disproved the Spontaneous generation theory by the below given experiment.
Jar – 1
· Jar Left open.
· Maggots developed.
· Flies were observed laying eggs on the meat in the open jar.
Jar – 2 (Covered with Gauze)
· Jar covered with Gauze.
· Maggots appeared on the
· Flies were observed laying
eggs on the meat in the gauze.
Jar – 3 (Tightly sealed)
· Jar tightly sealed.
· No maggots observed.
JOHN NEEDHAM (1713 – 1781)
In 1745, John
Needham (English Biologist and Roman Catholic Priest) boiled the Broth, which
contained both plant and animal matter.
John Needham
believed this brief period of boiling would kill any microorganisms living in
the Broth. After the 3 days period, the Broth was cloudy and Needham used a
microscope to observe microbes present in the mixture.
· Needham concluded that “Life Force” (the force that gives strength) present in all Inorganic molecules and tiny organisms had spontaneously generated from the non-living matter of the Broth.
A - Boiled conical flask rich in nutrients (Beef
broth); B – Conical flask in opened condition and C – Microbial growth was
observed in liquid broth.
In 1769, an
Italian Catholic Priest Lazaro Spallanzani challenged the work of John Needham.
In his
experiment, he boiled the sealed conical flask which contains liquid rich in
nutrients (Beef broth) and kept the conical flask in sealed condition. After
few days, he does not observe any microbial growth in the liquid broth. From
his experiment, he concluded that the microorganisms will not arise
spontaneously and arise due to the microorganisms present in air.
A – Boiled and sealed conical flask rich in nutrients
(Broth); B – Conical flask in sealed condition and C – No microbial growth was
observed in liquid broth.
LOUIS PASTEUR (1822 – 1895)
Louis Pasteur was the “Father of Modern Microbiology”.
Louis Pasteur is a Chemistry Professor from France who disproved the
Spontaneous Generation Theory completely by his “Swan Neck Flask Experiment”.
(i) Broth solutions rich in
nutrients were placed in Swan neck flasks and sterilized by boiling. After
boiling, the liquid was allowed to cool.
(ii) After cooling, the liquid
was left was several months.
(iii)Dust and microorganisms
settle in bend of the flask neck and the liquid present in the Swan neck flask
remains sterile.
(iv) Flask was tilted and allowed
the liquid to come into contact with deposit in neck.
(v) Finally, liquid turns cloudy
due to microbial growth.
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