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Algae as Food source

·       Spirulina platensis – Single Cell Protein (SCP) and widely called as “Food for Future”

·       Chlorella is the source of Vitamin and Protein.

·       Chlorellin antibiotic is extracted from Chlorella.

·     Brown and Red seaweeds provide important economic products in the form of food for people and resources in the manufacturing of Industrial products.

·       Red algae known as “Nori (Porphyra tenera)” is a popular food in Japan.

·       Sea kale (algae) is consumed dried or cooked into various stews or soups.

·    Sea lettuce and Edible kelp are other commonly eaten seaweeds. Examples: Ulva, Laminaria, Sargassum and Chlorella.

·       In Japan, about 20 different kinds of Algae are being harvested and eaten.

·       ‘Aonori’ is a preparation of Monostroma (sea lettuce), ‘Kombu’ of Laminaria.

·       Dulse (Palmaria palmata) another Red alga, is eaten primarily in the North Atlantic region.

Algae in Agriculture

·   Blue green algae like Oscillatoria, Anabaena, Nostoc, Aulosira increase the soil fertility by fixing the atmospheric nitrogen.

·    The large Brown and Red algae are used as organic fertilizers, especially on land close to the sea.

Economic Products Obtained from Algae

i) Agar - agar

·       Obtained from the Red algae Gelidium and Gracilaria species

·    It is used as a solidifying agent for Culture medium while growing bacteria and fungi in the laboratory.

·       It is also used in the preparations of some medicines and cosmetics.

·   Used in the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, preparation of jellied desserts and soups.

·    Alginates from Brown seaweeds are used as thickening agents and stabilizers in the industrial preparation of foods and pharmaceutical drugs.

ii) Carrageenin

·       An agar like compound obtained from Red algae.

·       Widely used as a stabilizer in paints, pharmaceuticals, and ice cream.

iii) Alginic acid

·       Obtained from Brown algae.

·       Used as emulsifier in ice creams, tooth pastes and cosmetics.

iv) Diatomite

·       Rock-like deposit formed on the walls of Diatoms (algae of Chrysophyceae).

·       It consists of large amount of Silica.

·      When the diatoms die they sediment to form ‘Diatomaceous earth’ and it has a high proportion of Silica.

·    Diatomite is used as a sound proof and fire proof material, as an absorbent, in packing of corrosive materials and also in the manufacture of dynamite.

Algae in Space travel

·       Chlorella pyrenoidosa is used in space travel to get rid of CO2 and other body wastes.

·       The algae multiply rapidly and utilizes the CO2 and liberate O2 during Photosynthesis.

·       It decomposes human urine and faeces to get N2 for protein synthesis.

Medicinal use

·       Alaria was once used for strengthening the stomach and restoring the appetite after sickness.

·       Alginates are used for their haemostatic nature

·       Fucoidin and Sodium lamanarin sulphate are used as ‘Blood anticoagulant’.

·       Digenia simplex, a Rhodophycean algae provides an Antihelminthic drug.

·   Agar-agar, for its absorptive and lubricating action, is used medicinally in the prevention of constipation.

Sewage Disposal

·       Algae produce abundant Oxygen by rapid Photosynthesis.

·   The most common algal species present in the sewage oxidation ponds are Chlamydomonas, Scenedesmus, Chlorella, Euglena, Eudorina and Pandorina.

·     Microorganisms like aerobic bacteria use Oxygen and decompose the Organic matter and thus the sewage gets purified.

·       Crude oil and Natural gas are the reminants of Photosynthetic products of ancient Algae.



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