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·       The Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry is regarded as one of the “Fathers of Modern Biochemistry”.

·   Eduard Buchner was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1907 for Chemistry for discovering “Cell - free Alcoholic Fermentation”. He demonstrated that “The Fermentation of Carbohydrates results from the action of different Enzymes contained in Yeast and not the yeast cell itself”. He showed that an enzyme “Zymase” can be extracted from yeast cells and that it causes sugar to break up into Carbon-di-oxide and Alcohol.

·       Eduard Buchner’s work began the field of Biochemistry and the study of Metabolism, a term that refers to “the sum of all chemical reactions within an organism”.

·   Eduard Buchner laid the foundation stone for modern invitro Enzymology from his studies on the conversion of Sugar into Ethanol in the presence of Zymase derived from Yeast.


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