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·       Mangroves represent a characteristic Littoral (near the seashore) forest ecosystem.

·   Mangroves are mostly evergreen forests that grow in sheltered low lying coasts, estuaries, mudflats, tidal creeks backwaters (coastal waters held back on land), marshes and lagoons of tropical and subtropical regions.

·    Mangroves are highly productive ecosystems, and the trees may vary in height from 8 to 20 m. They protect the shoreline from the effect of Cyclones and Tsunamis.

·     Mangroves are breeding and spawning ground for many commercially important fishes.

·   Mangroves are salt tolerant trees, also called Halophytes, and are adapted harsh coastal conditions.



·      Mangrove forests are an ecosystem of incredible biological diversity comprising hundreds of algae, mollusk, crustacean, fish, insect, reptile, bird, and mammal species.

·   Saltwater crocodiles, pelicans, egrets, spoonbills, flying foxes and monkeys are all residents of mangroves, just to name a few.

·      The trees’ intricate network of roots provides a shelter for many oceanic and freshwater species, and the forest is a food source for many types of organisms as well. 

·       Numerous fish species use the shelter of the mangrove as a nursing ground before heading to the open ocean, to the extent that one third of all marine species were born and raised in mangrove forests around the world.


·       Prevent coastal soil erosion.

·       Protect coastal lands from tsunami, hurricanes and floods.

·       Mangroves enhance the natural recycling of nutrients.

·       Mangrove supports numerous florae, avifauna and wildlife.

·       Provide a safe and favourable environment for breeding, spawning, rearing of several fishes.

·       Supply woods, firewood, medicinal plants and edible plants to local people.

·      Provide numerous employment opportunities to local communities and augments their livelihood.


·       Destroyed for conversion of the area for

ü  Agricultural purpose

ü  Fuel

ü  Fodder

ü  Salinisation

ü  Mining, oil spills

ü  Aquaculture (shrimp farming)

ü  Use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers

ü  Industrial purposes.


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