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ENTOMOPATHOGENIC VIRUS – Cydia Pomonella Granulovirus (CpGv)

ENTOMOPATHOGENIC VIRUS – Cydia Pomonella Granulovirus (CpGv)

General Characteristics of Cydia Pomonella Granulovirus (CpGv)

  • Baculoviruses are insect pathogenic viruses, which are widely used as biological control agents of insect pests in agriculture and forestry.
  • One of the most important commercially used Baculoviruses is the Cydia Pomonella Granulovirus (CpGV) or Coding moth Granulosis Virus.
  • CpGV belongs to the genus Betabaculovirus (Granulovirus) of the Baculoviridae family.
  • CpGV have circular Double stranded DNA (dsDNA) genome is 123.5 kilobase pairs (kbp) in size. The genetic material of Cydia Pomonella Granulovirus (CpGV) is easily destroyed by exposure to sunlight or by conditions in the host's gut, an infective Baculovirus particle (Virion) is protected by protein coat called a Polyhedron.
  • CpGV viruses are unable to reproduce without a host - they are Obligate parasites.

History of Cydia Pomonella Granulovirus (CpGv)

  • The first CpGV isolate was found in Mexico and was described by Tanada in 1964. In Europe, all commercial formulations of CpGV are derived from this Mexican isolate (CpGV-M).

Target Insects of Cydia Pomonella Granulovirus (CpGv)

  • Codling moth (CM) (Cydia pomonella, Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

Role of Cydia Pomonella Granulovirus (CpGV) in Insect control

  • CpGV products have been used since the late 1980s for the control of Codling moth (CM), which is one of the most destructive insect pests in apple, pear and walnut production. Without control, CM can cause severe damage and complete loss of marketable fruits.
  • Early instar of Codling moth (Cydia pomonella) larvae has proved to be a problematic pest on several fruit trees, including apples and pears. The caterpillars burrow into the fruit, rendering it unfit for sale. Traditional insecticides are of limited use, as some strains have acquired resistance to several insecticides.
  • CpGV is highly virulent to early larval stages of the Codling moth (CM) (Cydia pomonella, Lepidoptera), whereas it is harmless to non-target insects and animals and it has no detrimental impact on the environment.
  • Insects killed by Baculoviruses have a characteristic shiny-oily appearance, and are often seen hanging limply from vegetation. They are extremely fragile to the touch, rupturing to release fluid filled with infective virus particles.
  • The first CpGV strain has been commercially formulated into biological pesticides such as Madex (Andermatt Biocontrol AG), Carpovirusine (NPP/Arysta Life Science) and Cyd-X (Certis).

Advantages of Cydia Pomonella Granulovirus (CpGV)

  • The CpGV has proved to be a highly successful microbial control product demonstrating high virulence to Coding moth and lack of effects on non-targets.
  • CpGV viruses are excellent candidates for species-specific, narrow spectrum insecticidal applications. They have been shown to have no negative impacts on plants, mammals, birds, fish, or even on non-target insects.
  • Reduce the use of chemical insecticide sprays, which are extremely toxic and expensive.  


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