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Differential and Density Gradient Centrifugation

Differential Centrifugation

  • Differential centrifugation is the most common separation method which was used to separate the particles according to size, shape and mass.
  • Particles of different densities or sizes in a suspension will sediment at different rates, with the larger and denser particles sedimenting faster.
  • It is an Ultracentrifugation method.
  • The simplest form of separation by centrifugation is differential centrifugation, sometimes called Differential pelleting.
  • Differential centrifugation is used for the separation of cellular organelles and macromolecules.
  • Usually, Fixed angle rotors are used for Differential centrifugation.

Density Gradient Centrifugation

  • Density Gradient Centrifugation is the separation performed in a supporting column of solution in which the density and solution concentration increase toward the bottom of the centrifuge tube.
  • It is an important technique used for the purification of Proteins and Nucleic acids.
  • Two different types of density gradient centrifugation are used for two different purposes. They are: (a) Zonal (or) Rate Zonal (or) S - Zonal Centrifugation (Sucrose Density Gradient Centrifugation) and (b) Iso – density (or) Isopycnic (or) Buoyant (or) Density Equilibrium Centrifugation (Cesium Chloride Density Gradient Centrifugation). 


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