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International Online Short Term Certificate Course on “PROKARYOTES – AN OVERVIEW” (Phase - II)

COURSE DETAILS Name of the Course                :               Prokaryotes – An Overview Duration                                        :               7 Days Starting Date                              :               12.06.2023 End Date                                       :               18.06.2023 Registration fees                     :               Rs. 200 for Faculties    Rs. 100 for Students and Research Scholars Last Date for Registration:                  10.06.2023 Link for Registration             :      Mode of Payment                    :               Payment details will be sent through E.mail Recorded Videos link           :               Will be circulated to participants through E.mail Quiz                                                  :           15 MCQs per day Mode of Evaluation                :               Daily Quiz for 7 Days (Google Form Quiz) Total Marks                                :               70 Mar


  AIR SANITATION            ·        Air sanitation is a process of control of microorganisms in air. ·        Air sanitation is the system of removing the impurities present in air inside buildings to protect people from infections. ·        Sanitation of air is essential in enclosed places like ü   Hospital wards ü   Operation theatres ü   Burns unit to prevent infection ü   Food processing and packaging industries ü   Rooms where sterile materials or products are stored require aseptic atmosphere. DEVICES USED FOR AIR SANITATION 1) Ventilation ·        Ventilator is an opening or a device that allows fresh air to enter into an enclosed space. ·        A great reduction in the airborne microorganisms can be brought about by laminar airflow system developed by Whitfield. ·        It was found that a horizontal flow of air at about 40 feet/minute in a room in which spores of Bacillus subtilis had been liberated, led to a diminution in their numbers by 100—1000


  GREENHOUSE EFFECT ·        Greenhouse Effect is a natural process that warms the Earth’s surface. When the Sun’s energy reaches the Earth’s atmosphere, some of it is reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by Greenhouse gases. ·        The Green house effect is the chief cause of climate change which in turn is the primary factor responsible for climate change. GREENHOUSE GASES ·        Greenhouse gases are gases that trap heat in Earth’s atmosphere. ·        Greenhouse gases can be naturally occurring or human-produced. Major Greenhouse Gases 1)     Carbon-di-oxide 2)     Methane 3)     Ozone   4)     Water vapour Other Greenhouse Gases 1)     Nitrous oxide 2)     Hydrofluorocarbons 3)     Perflurocarbons 4)     Sulfur Hecafluoride 5)     Chlorofluorocarbons   SOURCES OF GREENHOUSE GASES 1)     Carbon-di-oxide ·        Deforestation ·        Microbial, Plant and Animal Respiration ·        Volcanic eruptions ·