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SMALL SCALE SEWAGE TREATMENT METHODS - Cesspoll, Septic Tanks and Imhoff's Tank

METHODS FOR SMALL SCALE SEWAGE TREATMENT   1) CESSPOOLS OR CESSPIT In many homes, human waste is emptied into underground Cesspools. Cesspool is an underground construction consisting of Concrete cylindrical rings with pores in the walls of the ring. Cesspool Sewage water passes into the Soil through the bottom and pores of the Cesspool, while Solid waste accumulates on the bottom. Microorganisms, especially Anaerobic bacterial species, digest the Solid matter into Soluble products that enter the soil and enrich it. The amount of breakdown products exceeds, it forms Thick layers which need to be cleaned by using Strong acids. Dried bacterial preparation of Bacillus subtilis or Yeast cells or Enzymes should be added at intervals. These accelerate the decomposition of sludge deposited at the bottom of cesspool. The minimum size Cesspool for a habitable dwelling is 18000 litres and on average this Cesspool tank will require emptying once completely filled or every 20 - 25 days.


 SEWAGE TREATMENT Sewage is used water and the wastes it contains. It is about 99.9 % water and about 0.1 % solid or dissolved wastes. The Dissolved wastes include (i) Household wastes (Human feces, Detergents, Grease, and anything else people put down the drain or Garbage disposal unit); (ii) Industrial wastes (Acids & other chemical wastes and Organic matter from Food processing plants) and (iii) Wastes carried by rainwater that enters sewers. Wastewater contains a variety of Contaminants, including Suspended solids, Biodegradable & Non-biodegradable Organic and Inorganic compounds, Toxic metals and Microbial pathogens that pose a health risk. A sewage treatment plant is required for all Residential and Commercial areas. Sewage treatment, also known as Wastewater treatment, is used to remove contaminants from municipal and industrial wastewater. Various physical, biological, and chemical processes are used to treat Wastewater. Sewage treatment can be done by two methods. They


  SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Solid Waste Management is a term that is used to refer to the process of collecting and treating solid wastes. Solid waste is the unwanted or useless solid materials generated from human activities in residential, industrial or commercial areas. Solid Waste Management reduces or eliminates the toxic pollutants on the environment & human health.  SOURCES OF SOLID WASTES 1) Residential Solid Waste Residences and Homes where people live are some of the major sources of solid waste. The Garbage from these places includes Food wastes, Plastics, Paper, Glass, Leather, Cardboard, Metals, Yard wastes, Ashes and Special wastes like bulky household items such as Electronics, Tires, Batteries, Old mattresses and used Oil. 2) Industrial Solid Waste Industries are known to be one of the biggest contributors to solid waste. Industrial Solid Waste include Light and Heavy manufacturing industries, Construction sites, Fabrication plants, Canning plants, Power and chem

BIOCONTROL AGENT – Trichoderma sp.

BIOCONTROL AGENT – Trichoderma sp. General Characteristics of Trichoderma sp. Trichoderma  is a genus of fungi in the family Hypocreaceae, commonly one of the rhizosphere inhabitants. Trichoderma sp. is the avirulent plant symbiont fungus which acts as an antagonistic against many plant pathogenic fungi and offers protection from phytopathogenic plant diseases. The discovery of  Trichoderma  spp. as natural decomposition agent and biological agent of bioremediation has been reported by several studies. Trichoderma sp. is highly involved in the production of Transgenic plants. Trichoderma  spp. have great potential against soil borne pathogens, and it may be able to replace chemical pesticides in the near future. The difficulties encountered during the identification of  Trichoderma  isolates at the species level become more significant because of the morphological differences are rare and hard to observe. Commonly, biological control agents may not affect non-target organisms. Unfor