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  PAUL EHRLICH ·        Paul Ehrlich was the German Medical Scientist. ·     Paul Ehrlich is one of the most famous pioneer of the fields of Hematology, Immunology, Pharmacology, Histology, Oncology and Chemotherapy. ·        Paul Ehrlich showed that all the Dyes used could be classified as being Basic, Acid or Neutral and his work on the Staining and differentiation of Granules in Blood cells (distinguished Leukocytes from Neutrophils, Basophils and Eosinophils) laid the foundations of Haematology and the Staining of tissues. ·    In 1882, Paul Ehrlich published his method of Staining the Tubercle bacillus ( Mycobacterium tuberculosis ) (Acid fast staining) that Robert Koch had discovered and this method was the basis of the subsequent modifications introduced by Ziehl and Neelson, which are still used today. ·        While developing new methods for the staining of live tissue, Ehrlich discovered the uses of Methylene blue


IGNAZ SEMMELWEIS   ·        Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis was a Hungarian Gynecologist. ·      Puerperal fever is a bacterial infection (caused by Beta haemolytic Streptococcus pyogenes , Lancefield Group A) that can occur in the uterine tract of women after giving birth or undergoing an  abortion . Ignaz Semmelweis discovered that the incidence of Puerperal fever (also known as “Childbed Fever”) could be drastically cut by the use of hand disinfection in obstetrical clinics. ·       Ignaz Semmelweis was the first doctor to discover the importance for “Hand washing” before and after surgery. ·        Ignaz Semmelweis is also described as the “Savior of Mothers” and “Father of Infection Control”.


  JOSEPH LISTER ·        Sir Joseph Lister is a British Surgeon. ·        Joseph Lister is the Father of Antiseptic surgery and Modern Surgery. ·        Joseph Lister was the first to apply the science of Germ Theory to surgery. ·     “Antisepsis” is the method of using chemicals, called antiseptics, to destroy the germs that cause infections. It was developed by the British surgeon Joseph Lister. ·        Joseph Lister was the founder of Antiseptic Medicine and a pioneer in Preventive Medicine. ·        Joseph Lister discovered that Carbolic acid (now known as Phenol) to disinfect the surgical equipment and dressings leads the reduction of post-operational deaths/infections. He used dressings soaked in carbolic acid to cover wounds and the rate of infection was vastly reduced. Lister then experimented with hand-washing, sterilizing instruments and spraying carbolic in the theatre while operating, in order to limit infecti


ROBERT KOCH ·        Robert Koch was a German Doctor who later became the Professor of Hygiene and Director of Institute of Infective Diseases at Berlin. ·        He is the “Father of Medical Microbiology” and “Father of Bacteriology”. He is also one of the Founder of Bacteriology. ·    Robert Koch discovered the Anthrax disease cycle ( Bacillus anthracis ) and bacteria  responsible for Tuberculosis  ( Mycobacterium tuberculosis ), Cholera  ( Vibrio cholerae ) and Diphtheria ( Corynebacterium diphtheriae ). For his discoveries in regard to Tuberculosis, he received the Nobel prize  for Physiology or Medicine in 1905. ·       Robert Koch learned that Dyes helped to make bacteria visible and identifiable under the Microscope, and published the first Photographs of bacteria. ·        Robert Koch described the method of preparing thin layers of bacteria on glass slides and fixing them by gentle heat (Smear preparation).  ·      Robert Koch


  EDUARD BUCHNER ·        The Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry is regarded as one of the “Fathers of Modern Biochemistry”. ·     Eduard Buchner was awarded the Nobel Prize  in 1907 for Chemistry for discovering “Cell - free Alcoholic Fermentation”. He demonstrated that “The Fermentation  of Carbohydrates results from the action of different Enzymes contained in Yeast  and not the yeast cell itself”. He showed that an enzyme  “Zymase” can be extracted from yeast cells and that it causes sugar to break up into Carbon-di-oxide  and Alcohol. ·        Eduard Buchner’s work began the field of Biochemistry and the study of Metabolism, a term that refers to “the sum of all chemical reactions within an organism”. ·     Eduard Buchner laid the foundation stone for modern in   vitro Enzymology from his studies on the conversion of Sugar into Ethanol in the presence of Zymase derived from Yeast.


  LOUIS PASTEUR ·    Louis Pasteur was the French Chemist, Biologist & Microbiologist, and “Father of Modern Microbiology”. ·        Louis Pasteur is a Chemistry Professor from France who disproved the Spontaneous Generation Theory completely by his “Swan Neck Flask Experiment”. ·        Main contributions of Louis Pasteur includes ü   Disproved the Spontaneous Generation Theory. ü   First coined the term “Microbiology” for the study of organisms of microscopic size. ü   Louis Pasteur proposed the “Germ Theory of Disease”. He stated that disease cannot be caused by bad air or vapor but it is produced by the microorganisms present in air. ü   Liquid media concept – Louis Pasteur was the first who used Nutrient broth to grow microorganisms. ü   Demonstrated the term Virulence (ability of microbe to cause disease) of bacteria. ü   Introduced the term “Attenuation” that means reduction of Virulence of pathogens by pr

DISCOVERY OF MICROORGANISMS (Robert Hooke, Antony Van Leeuwenhoek and Ferdinand Cohn)

  ·    The existence of microscopic organisms was discovered during the period 1665 – 1683 by two Fellows of The Royal Society, Robert Hooke and Antoni van Leeuwenhoek. ·        Robert Hooke and Anton van Leeuwenhoek, deserve the credit for discovering microorganisms in the 17 th century.   ·     In the book “Micrographia” (Small Drawings) (1665), Robert Hooke presented the first published depiction of a microorganism, the fungus  Mucor sp. ·        Later in 1676, Anton van Leeuwenhoek observed and described microscopic protozoa and bacteria. ROBERT HOOKE AND HIS BOOK MICROGRAPHIA ·        Robert Hooke coined the term “Cell” in a biological context, as he described the microscopic structure of cork like a tiny bare room or monk’s cell in his landmark discovery of plant cells with cell walls. ·      From Robert Hooke’s excellent drawing in Micrographia (1665), Mycologists identify Hooke’s specimen as the Mucor , the common